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I’m Jess.  I teach trauma and tranformation informed Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Tantra and Yin Yoga.

I have always been fascinated by the body.  I studied Biomedical Science

at Cardiff University and worked in clinical research for 8 years. Part of

this interest comes from my passion around education, another part has

arisen through trying to understand how my own body (dys)functions 

living with an autoimmune condition. Yoga has given me an opportunity

to explore a new relationship with my body and mind within and

beyond science. 


I came to yoga because I wanted to do a headstand - not knowing the

spaces inside and outside of myself that it would take me. Growing up

with a chronic disease from the age of 12, I developed  a disconnect between my mind and body.  Yoga helped me to manage the physical and emotional complications and brought a sense of lightness and playfulness to world that can sometimes feel quite heavy. Yoga has helped me to respect my body in all its uniqueness while also removing so many limitations I had put onto myself.  


I qualified in 2022 from my teacher training with my wonderful teacher,  Amor (, and qualified in Yin Yoga in January 2023. In 2024, I embarked on my 300 hour training with the amazing OurEcho ( expanding into the world of trauma awareness, including the impact it has had on the lens through which I have viewed the world.  I had lived in a victim mindset for much of my life.  I assumed life was happening to me instead of for me and turned away from my own power.  As I reconnected with my body and explored my trauma responses, I began to find a new sense of safety and empowerment within myself, and an easier flow to life.


We all experience trauma to some degree, a lot of it goes unprocessed, especially considering we tend to write off the smaller experiences which can really underpin our internal story.  My offer is not to heal or fix anyone but to illuminate a path to help you understand yourself better and move towards a more aligned existence.


My classes involve physical challenges as well as some slower explorations, but always with  sense of playfulness.  I am passionate about the power of the breath as well as meditation.  I teach a variety of styles and cater for a range of body types.  If you have specific concerns about suitability, reach out for a chat.   



200-hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Yoga Blissipline

50-hour Detangling Human Heartbreak - The Path from Trauma to Tantra with Our Echo

30-hour Yin Yoga with Yoga Bliss Lembongan

300-hour Full Circle; The Art of Being Whole; Hatha, Tantra, Yin

Image by Atsadawut Chaiseeha





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